Sunday 22 December 2024
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Lucky means to be a (happy) Chance favors).

Examples are: by chance in the lottery, winning roulette or other games of chance, by chance get an advantage (eg in the supermarket on the « fastest » pending fund); avoided by chance at a disadvantage (for example, be spared from an accident)

The random chance for happiness is not an issue archive.

The feeling of happiness is both a feeling and a state in which there is a person and is characterized by a general, often unconscious well-being. The key is not the objective facts, but the subjective experience of the person. Happiness researchers therefore use instead the term « happiness » rather the term « subjective well-being ».

« Happiness » has two possible alternatives:

« Feel lucky » we can during a short period of time (we are experiencing a moment of pleasure, English Pleasure)

Examples: have sex, eat something good, to be with friends, take out an important thing to succeed.

« Feel lucky » can be a permanent feeling (live in happiness, in English: happiness).

Examples: be satisfied with life, experience many happy moments.

Other terms

Instead of the term « happiness » (meaning « happiness ») or in connection with the following terms are often used:

* Satisfaction or life satisfaction
* Flow
* Comfortable / successful / good life
* Quality of Life
* Joy
* Lust
* Fun
* Subjective well-being (see above)

That the term « happiness » (meaning « happiness ») can be understood very differently, is probably because that engage a variety of disciplines with his clarification

The psychologists define happiness e.g. as the feeling of absolute harmony of our consciousness. We go to our momentary action, everything blurred around us, including the time and plays no role. (Learn More « To be happy » and under « Flow ».)

The philosophers have long concerned with the question: « What is happiness. » For some philosophers, for example the happiness of the state of perfect satisfaction, perfect desirelessness, an ideal, whose fulfillment through meaningful action and interaction is erstrebbar unless found to be the individual human level.
There are, however, within philosophy, several other definitions of happiness. (For more information see « philosophy and happiness ».)

Medicine / Neurobiology

considered medical or neurobiological are trigger neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, the happiness. The human body secretes these neurotransmitters in different situations, eg in sports. However, e.g. Chocolate results in a roundabout way the body creates the happiness neurotransmitter serotonin. The messengers carry the message « Be happy » by nerve cells to the brain. Such drugs can also carry this message, but make dependent.

A further definition of the term « happiness » is obtained when asked about the everyday understanding. Respondents define happiness as

* Satisfying interpersonal relationships
* Life satisfaction
* Self-confidence, individuality
* Joy
* Success
* Freedom, independence
* Health
* Absence of unpleasant
* Peace, harmony
* Well-being, good feeling
* Activities, hobbies
* Development, productivity
* Relaxation, rest
* Enjoyment of Nature

Etymology / linguistics

Linguists are used as origin of the word « happiness » from 12 Century, the words « GELUCK » in the Middle Low German and Gelücke « in Middle High German. Both words come from the verb « manage », which is derived from the word « easy ». Happiness is therefore the original so successful, is easily achieved or the favorable outcome of an event. (For more information see « etymology of the term » happiness « )

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