Sunday 22 December 2024
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Latest Casino News

Grand Lisboa Casino in Macau, China
Image by Tom.Bricker
On our recent visit to Hong Kong, we decided to spend a couple of days in Macau. I knew nothing about the place prior to our visit, save for the fact that it was featured in the James Bond film, Skyfall. Since I fancy for myself a career of international espionage, I jumped at the idea of visiting when Sarah suggested taking a boat over to the small island.

It turns out the real Macau is a bit different than the one in the Bond film. It is a gambling mecca that is sort of like Vegas on steroids, but none of the locations from Bond are real (my understanding is that no filming took place in Macau).

That’s fine, because the real Macau is much more impressive than the fictional one. The casinos are certainly impressive if that’s your thing, but the city itself is truly gorgeous. It was a Portuguese colony until 1999, and the influence is clear. In fact, just a couple of streets over from the casino strips is old world Macau, with ruins, UNESCO World Heritage sights, and a place bursting with culture. The casinos are great eye candy, but the real place is so much more, even if it is quickly being overtaken with a proliferation of casinos.

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