Most people who buy a phone card for the first time, equates to play Russian roulette. After the purchase, they close their eyes and pray to God it works. OK, so I’m exaggerating. But seriously, I do not blame any smart when it comes to buying a phone card. They are, after all known for junk fees that ZAP minutes to zero faster than lightning. If you want to buy phone cards, less stress, and then follow the three simple tips below.
I would like to give you three basic tips to help you find the right phone cards.
The first tip is to buy a card with no fees. Yes, you are not dreaming and I’m not lying. There is no such thing as a free charge cards. All the company sells phone cards and cards with no fees and charges. The funny thing is, you think that most people can buy duty free cards from the get go. Not so. You see, the card with the lowest connection charges per minute rates. It is what consumers will always increase.if you do not know it and cuts off your call for a zero balance, you are definitely going to call customer service and scream your lungs. It is the largest and most costly mistake most consumers make.They focus on the lowest rates, not knowing that the card is loaded with junk fees, such as communications, the carrier charge (or what I like to call disconnect fee), and high maintenance. So I only recommend everyone to buy cards without fees. You will pay a penny or two in most cases, but believe me, it’s worth. Moreover, the price is still cheaper then your home phone international plan.
The second tip is mainly a U.S. phone card customers. Most cards offer free access numbers, but it’s not exactly free. Usually you have to pay an additional 1 ¢ / minute. Now, if you live in the U.S., I suggest you use the local access numbers, and not, as most local home phone plans for the U.S. is now the same size.
The third tip is to make sure you know how many phone card rate is the mobile phone number. Card rates that you see made in advance by calling the land line, unless otherwise indicated. For example, if you see a card with a rate of 2 ¢, call Australia, and the number you dial, and you did not know the mobile phone number, your call can shoot up to 4 cents per minute. So, if you do not know it and cuts off your call for a zero balance, you are definitely going to call customer service and scream your lungs. It is the largest and most costly mistake most consumers make.
Most of the complaints is because consumers do not know how to choose the right calling card. I do not blame them really. After all, is not about buying a phone card executives. But after reading this article, I hope they throw some light and hopefully your phone card to buy a whole lot easier.
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