Sunday 22 December 2024
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How to Consistently Win at Roulette

by Woplu

Supposedly, Einstein once said that the only way to beat roulette is to steal from the table. I don’t know if this is true or not, either way, I disagree. I may not know rocket science, but I do know roulette. If you play it smart, you CAN make a living off of roulette. A much better one might I add, than your standard 9 – 5 job will ever pay.

First off I want to address Einstein’s quote. If it is true (not that it matters), I believe Einstein was trying to say that there is no one roulette strategy that is unbeatable, which is true. There is no flawless way to win 100% of the time at roulette. There is no flawless way of winning any game 100% of the time. Even if you’re cheating, there’s a chance you could lose. From poker to monopoly, eventually you have to lose once and a while. That doesn’t mean though, that you can’t be extremely successful at any particular game (without cheating). Roulette is no different.

In my opinion, beating roulette doesn’t mean winning 100% of the time and never losing even once. Beating roulette simply means consistently keeping your winnings substantially higher than your losses when playing. If you use strategy wisely, this can be done very easily.

Statistically, roulette is a game of chance. There is no way to determine where the ball is going to land. However, by using strategy, you can manipulate the system to increase the odds of the ball landing where you want it to. The ball doesn’t have to land where you want all the time, just most of the time. This is the key to beating roulette.

Now, when applying strategy, you can’t go with just one. You need multiple strategies on multiple levels to beat roulette. Not only do you need to strategize how to bet and where to bet, you need to strategize where to play, when to play, when to stop playing, how much to play with, how much you can lose, and more. This is all very easy to apply, and once applied properly, you will be a force to be reckoned with at the roulette table.

Beating roulette is possible. You simply need to wisely, and properly apply strategy to win consistently. For a list of strategies that myself and others have used to make a living from roulette, go to my website: Free Roulette Strategies. There you’ll find everything you need to beat roulette, from an explanation of the rules, to my best strategies. It’s all 100% free and easy to apply.

Theory of relativity? More like the theory of roulettivity…. Ha, ha, ha! Take that Einstein. (Sorry about the bad joke.)

Here’s a little info about me…. I currently make a living playing roulette. I used to work real jobs, but I always found that no matter what, there were always too many problems with every job I worked. I’d have personal problems my co-workers, I never had the hours I wanted, and I didn’t enjoy the work on any level. The biggest problems I had though were, I have something of an authority problem, so I always hated my boss, even if they were nice, I would resent them for telling me what to do. And of course, the #1 problem, the money was always terrible. I always worked for minimum wage. Life is nothing but a constant struggle when you work for minimum wage, and I was sick and tired of struggling for the things I wanted. I used to play roulette online for fun, but never for money because I thought I’d lose. One day though, I said the heck with it, I love playing roulette, I hate working, I’m going to play roulette for a living. I was already O.K. at the game, but to make a living, I had to be really good. Nothing could be left to chance. So I studied every aspect of roulette I could for the next few months and it wasn’t long before I quit my job and started paying the bills with roulette. Recently, I put together a website filled with the basics to my best strategies. I’ve never made a web site before, so it’s not the prettiest site in the world, but I had a blast making it. It’s called Free Roulette Strategies, and I’m really proud of it. I think I’ll make another one, maybe poker this time. The sky’s the limit now.

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Voici une nouvelle méthode que j’ai découverte qui me permet de gagner plus de 100 euros par jour.

Dans cette vidéo je gagne 90 euros en moins de 30 minutes.

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